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Here Are Five Kitchen Items You Can Easily Get Rid of

Philipp Tistov • April 21, 2022

Some of these items you may find more surprising than others

It’s one of the more unlikely places to look for possible junk-related items, the kitchen should never be discounted as one of those possibilities.

One of the many reasons people hold onto their clutter is because they simply forget about them. And the kitchen area is certainly no exception to this rule.

Most items in the kitchen on the impending list are utensils, but you’ll find a few likely surprises, too.

Here’s a list of kitchen items we put together so you can be on the lookout for items that  you can put into your junk pile for us to remove for you in the future.

Plastic silverware

If you find yourself eating on the go on a frequent basis, or if you eat out often, then you may want to hold onto your plastic silverware utensils. Otherwise, it’s worth noting that you can put these into your next mounting pile of junk. You last thing you want for your kitchen is for these to be taking up space that could be used for better purposes.

Expired pantry items

It happens to the best of us when we go to the grocery store and become sanguine on recent purchases—only to let them fall to the wayside and forget about them entirely in the process. One good example of this are spices, which lose their flavor over time along with flour and sugar—both of which don’t have a better effect than fresh ingredients, too. Overall, if you haven’t used a pantry item in the last six months, then it’s probably time to get rid of it entirely.

Condiment packets

They say old habits die hard. And the same adage can be attributed to the superfluous collection of condiment packets. Typically, people will collect these from restaurants or other establishments like fast-food restaurants. Instead, you should consider opting for bottles of ketchup, mustard and others that serve as a better, more efficacious proxy than the former option.

Kitchen gadgets

Also known as ‘unitaskers,’ many of these can serve an aesthetic and utilitarian purpose when used right, however, they often take up important space. This is especially true if you don’t happen to use them that much either. Some of these can include quesadilla makers, strawberry slicers, herb scissors and many more. One of the good litmus tests is to discern whether you’ve used any given unitasker for a year or more. If that’s the case, consider giving it up for junk removal.

Food storage containers

One of the many analyses that should be conducted of a kitchen is to assess your food storage containers. While many may believe that these are practically invulnerable and not subject to dilapidation, they couldn’t be farther from the truth. If you find that any are warped or misshapen, make sure to consider recycling them as they could be unusable entirely. Check out our
junk removal pricing guide to get started with our services today.

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